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Enhance your documentation of children's learning experiences with Earth Day themed Learning Journal Page Templates for Child Portfolios designed for use in Canva. Perfect for early childhood educators and child care settings, these editable templates provide space for photos, descriptions of activities, learning goals, outcomes, stories, learning achievements, and extensions.


What's Included:

- Once purhased you will download a zipped PDF, once extracted follow the instructions on the first page of the PDF and open the link to your page templates in your free Canva account.

- 22 pages, comprising 11 sets to create a double-page layout in the child's portfolio.


Whether you follow the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) or have your own set of learning goals, our templates are versatile and adaptable to suit your needs. They can be seamlessly integrated into your documentation process, allowing you to capture and showcase the unique learning journey of each child.


These  themed templates complement our themed lesson plans available at Mini Ed, offering a cohesive approach to planning, documenting, and reflecting on children's learning experiences. With visually appealing designs and customizable layouts, they make documentation easy and engaging for educators, parents, and children alike. Start documenting and celebrating learning moments today with our Canva-ready templates from Mini Ed!

Earth Day themed Learning Journal Page Templates for Child Portfolios

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